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  • 020 Gulp - tsd


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    020 Gulp - tsd


    10 minutes


    Setting up TSD (TypeScript Definitions)

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “TypeScript tsd”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

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    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
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    Install TSD, a kind of package manager for TypeScript Definitions.

    npm install tsd -g

    Now TSD is installed and you can run commands with it.

        $ tsd
        $ tsd -h
        $ tsd --help
        $ tsd –version

    Create TSD files

        npm init

    NOTE: This creates the tsd.json and typings/tsd.d.ts files.

    Get TSD definitions for Angularjs and its dependencies.

    tsd install angular --resolve --overwrite --save

    To reinstall TSD definitions

    tsd reinstall --save –overwrite

    To update with the latest definitions

    tsd update --save –overwrite

    Open any *.ts file and type “angular” and intellisense is activated.

    Smiley face

    Let’s take this to the next level. At this point we have type definitions and that is great but now we need to manually update the definitions when changes are published and we are forced to check the Typings folder into source control. The problem with this is type script definitions are now source code.

    Gulp can handle this for us. We will configure a gulp task to retrieve the latest type definitions and reinstall them when the project loads.

    Create a new file at the root of the project named “gulp_tsd.json”. Add the following configuration to the new file.

            "command": "reinstall", 
            "latest": true,         
            "config": "./tsd.json", 
            "opts": {

    Add a task to the gulp file. First add a reference to the gulp-tsd plugin.

        , tsd = require('gulp-tsd');

    Then add this task.

    gulp.task('tsd', function () {
        return gulp.src('./gulp_tsd.json').pipe(tsd());

    In the Task Runner Explorer find the tsd task. Right click on the tsd task and select “Bindings” then “Project Open”. This will cause the tsd task to reinstall the type script definitions whenever a project is opened.


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face


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