The Mashup is a learning tool that also serves as a bootstrap project for line-of-business applications.http://mashupjs.github.io
The utilityService provides general utility functions to modules.Purpose
Every application needs utility functions. In an effort to modularize the Mashup, general functions that can be reused are placed into utility modules.Utility modules begin with “utility_“.
Two examples of utility modules are:
- utility_LogHelper.js
- utility_UtcDateService.js
An application can easily have 20 or 30 module utilities and a controller might need five or six of them. To reduce dependency injection complexity, all utilities are exposed by the utility module hosted in the utilityService.
Here is an example of what the utilityService looks like when exposing only two other modules.
/*global mashupApp:false */
mashupApp.service('utility', function (utility_UtcDateService, utility_LogHelper) {
// INSTRUCTIONS for 'utility' usage.
// Keeps like utility groups together in their own modules then reference
// them here and use this general utility class throughout the project.
// This will allow for more modular, testable, code while keeping the
// number of dependency injected modules to minimum.
// Provides access to the utility_UtcDateService functions.
// For converting to and from local and UTC dates.
var utcMilToLocalMil = utility_UtcDateService.utcMilToLocalMil;
var localMilToUtcMil = utility_UtcDateService.localMilToUtcMil;
var localDateToUtcDate = utility_UtcDateService.localDateToUtcDate;
var utcDateToLocalDate = utility_UtcDateService.utcDateToLocalDate;
var getLogObject = utility_LogHelper.getLogObject;
return {
// Provides access to the utility_UtcDateService functions.
// For converting to and from local and UTC dates.
localDateToUtcDate: localDateToUtcDate,
utcDateToLocalDate: utcDateToLocalDate,
localMilToUtcMil: localMilToUtcMil,
utcMilToLocalMil: utcMilToLocalMil,
getLogObject: getLogObject
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