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  • Gulp Tutorial - Part 2 Setup



    The Mashup is a learning tool that serves as a seed project for line-of-business applications. It’s goal is a shortened learning curve for building modern business applications and the reduction of technical debt.

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    This tutorial and more can be found in

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Gulp Tutorial - Part 2


    Here we need to install NodeJS, pull our tutorial project from GitHub, create our NPM package configuration file, and install Gulp both globally and locally.

    Installing NodeJS

    Download and install NodeJS.

    Get tutorial project from GitHub

    Code for this tutorial can be found at

    On the GitHub repo page you’ll see an option to “Download ZIP”.

    Download the ZIP file and extract it where you can work with it.

    To see the end result, go to this repository.

    Setup the NPM Project Configuration File

    NPM packages are defined in the package.json file.

    To create a package.json file, open a command prompt in the root of your client folder.

    For this tutorial, open a command line to the Mashup.UI.Core folder.

    enter image description here

    At the command-line type

    npm init

    An empty package.json is created. Now we can begin installing NPM packages for use by Gulp.

    You will be prompted for several configuration options. For the purposes of this tutorial I’ve skipped these and just pressed Enter for each prompt until complete.

    enter image description here

    And now your package.json is born.

    enter image description here

    For more information about NPM packages

    Installing NPM packages

    First, let’s install the bower NPM module. We’ll need this to pull client side scripts of which we have many.

    From the command-line

    Npm install bower –g

    Retrieve all bower scripts from the command-line

    Bower install

    Installing Gulp

    At this point, Gulp can be installed with the following command. Notice the “-g” command. This causes the NPM package to be installed globally.

    Installing Gulp (add “-g” to install globally)

    npm install -g gulp

    Gulp must also be installed locally for your project. The global install allows you to execute Gulp commands from the command-line by providing a Command-Line Interface or CLI. The local Gulp install is a plug-in to NodeJS and gets access to Gulp plugins via NPM.

     Npm install gulp --save-dev

    If you’re new to NPM, then just know that a screen that looks like this is completely normal.

    enter image description here

    TIP: Visual Studio Code

    Often I want to view a file without having to open an entire Integrated Development Environment like Visual Studio .NET. It’s just way more than I need to quickly view a file and in fact, often you can’t quickly view a file because VS .NET is so big.

    Download and install Visual Studio Code. You can use programs like Notepad++ or Sublime as well.

    In this case we just installed Gulp globally and locally. This tutorial is a learning tool so in the spirit of learning, each time I perform an action I’m going to poke around and see what changed. After installing Gulp I want to see what has changed.

    Right click the package.json file and open it with your favorite code editor and see the change.

    enter image description here

    Package.json stores its information as JSON. Notice the first several attributes. These are the values we opted to provide, or, in my case, not provide.

    When we applied the “–save-dev” options to the NPM install statement, the config was added to the “devDependencies” section.

    The package.json file is a part of your code base and should be included/checked-in to source control. The “node_modules” folder created by NPM should not be checked in to source control.

    When setting up the development environment on a new machine, simply open a command-line to the folder where package.json resides and type:

    npm install


    npm update

    NPM will then go download and install all the packages specified in the package.json.

    For more information on installing NPM packages

    Creating the gulpfile.json

    Create a text file named gulpfile.js with the following content, in the root of your project. Add the following scaffolding to the new gulpfile.js file.

    var gulp = require('gulp');
        gulp.task('default', function() {
        // place code for your default task here

    enter image description here

    At this point you can execute Gulp from the command-line. There are no tasks in the “default” task, but Gulp will run.

    At the command-line type “gulp” and press enter.


    enter image description here

    Source code for this tutorial

    Start the tutorial using this code base:


    A completed tutorial can be found here:


    Smiley face

    This tutorial and more can be found in

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today


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