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  • Modern Web Tooling VS2015



    The Mashup is a learning tool that also serves as a bootstrap project for line-of-business applications.

    Modern Web Tooling VS2015

    Here are a few tools you’ll be seeing a lot of.


    Package manager for server side code in Visual Studio.


    Package manager for Modern Web client libraries.
    NOTE: Visual Studio 2015 projects install with a basic Bower setup.


    Node Package Manager – Client side development tools

    NOTE: Visual Studio 2015 installs with a version of NODEJS (can be reconfigured for IOJS). NPM is the package manager that comes with NODEJS. Get used to seeing this because it’s an integral part of VS2015.


    Task runner for client side development. Configuration based.


    Task runner for client side development. Programming based.


    These are the new configuration files used by VS2015. The project.csproj file is no more.

    This is a huge improvement. Contention with the project file and source control on development teams is gone. No more will you add a file to your project and check it in only to learn your other developers don’t see the file as part of the project.

    A little reading on this.

    VS2015 Modern Web Tools


    Globs are a syntax for identifying files. The base assumption is all files are included and the GLOB identifies files to exclude. Or something like that.


    If you do any work in GitHub, and all the cool kids are, then you’ve seen gitignore. http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore This is how you keep from committing source control sins like checking in files that are generated by our code.

    Visual Studio uses Glob in it’s project.json and config.json files.

    Grunt uses Glob in it’s GruntConfig.json file.

    Gulp use Glob for it’s gruntconfig.json file.

    These are what I’ve run into but Glog is becoming and industry standard for identifying and excluding files from “a thing”.


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