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  • 005 Angular2 - adding bootstrap


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    005 Angular2 - adding bootstrap


    15 minutes


    Set up ng2-bootstrap and twitter bootstrap 4.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Angular2 ng2-bootstrap”
    Read eBook: https://www.ng-book.com/2/


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-angular2 repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    In this kata we will add twitter-bootstrap 4 to our Angular 2 application. At the time of this kata twitter-bootstrap 4 is in alpha.

    Also, no blessed version of Angular 2 bootstrap integration has surfaced.

    Try to implement bootstrap in the Angular 2 application.


    Here is where you get bootstrap 4.


    The css is required but not the JavaScript because we’ll be using


    For the JavaScript portion of bootstrap we are using the valor-software.com implementation of bootstrap for Angular 2. There are other implementations and in fact you can use bootstraps JavaScript implementation of bootstrap.

    The reason some will prefer an Angular 2 implementation is because they might prefer declarative programming with Angular directives as opposed to imperative programming in the jQuery style. As far as I know this is personal preference but the “right” way to do it is the Angular way… So I’m told.


    Install NPM packages

    npm install ng2-bootstap --save-dev
    npm install bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.2 --save-dev

    Add the required files to out gulp task, libs, to copy to wwwroot.

    , 'node_modules/**//bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'
    , 'node_modules/**//ng2-bootstrap/bundles/ng2-bootstrap.min.js'

    Add references to the index.html file.

    <link href="../lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="../lib/ng2-bootstrap/bundles/ng2-bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    Running the application, we can already see some changes. You’ll notice the font is different and some spacing has changed.

    The top is before and the bottom is after.

    Let’s go ahead and add a couple controls to make sure things work.

    Add a calendar control

    This requires moment.js so we’ll need to add this npm package.

    npm install moment --save-dev

    Update the lib task to copy moment.js to wwwroot.

    , 'node_modules/**//moment/min/moment.min.js'

    Add moment.js to type definition.

    tsd query moment

    NOTE: If the typings command doesn’t work you might not have it
    installed. If this is the case then execute the following command and
    try again.

    npm install tsd -g

    To make the TypeScript transpiler happy add this reference to the top of your ts page.

    /// <reference path="../typings/browser/definitions/moment/moment.d.ts" />

    NOTE: ng1-bootstrap depends on moment.js but because moment.js object
    lives window in the browser there is no need to import it.

    Update the system.js config in index.html.

                packages: {
                    app: {
                        format: 'register',
                        defaultExtension: 'js'
                map: {
                    moment: '../lib/moment/min/moment.min.js'
                  .then(null, console.error.bind(console));

    We’ve seen the font change. Let’s add a couple buttons to the screen.

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" >
        Primary button
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">
        Warning button


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    027 Gulp -reload


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    027 Gulp -reload


    10 minutes


    Add an automatic browser refresh to improve productivity.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp live reload”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Using gulp-livereload configure Gulp to automatically reload the browser when an HTML or JavaScript file is changed.

    We are starting off with a fully functional gulpfile.js. The only thing left to do is configure the browser reload.

    NOTE: This is an Angular2 solution.


    Add the required NPM packages.

    npm install gulp-livereload --save-dev

    Add the module reference.

    , livereload = require('gulp-livereload')

    Create the reload task.

    gulp.task('reload', function () {
        // Change the filepath, when you want to live reload a different page in your project.

    Add the livereload listener to the watch task.

    gulp.task('watch', function () {

    Install the Chrome plugin that makes livereload possible.

    Add the reload task to each of the existing watch commands inside the watch task. Don’t add it to the copy-to-wwwroot watch task.

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watching TypeScript files
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*', '!wwwroot/css/**/*.*'], function () { runSequence('tscompile', 'reload'); });
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watch - Execute linters
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*', '!wwwroot/css/**/*.*'], function () { runSequence('tslint', 'reload'); });
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watching HTML files
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.html', '!wwwroot/**/*.min.html', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*'], function () { runSequence('minifyhtml', 'reload'); });

    Now run the site and in the Chrome browser press the “Enable LiveReload” button.

    Make changes to the files in src/ and you’ll see the changes reflected in the browser.


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    028 Gulp - setting up angular2


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    028 Gulp - setting up angular2


    15 minutes


    This kata is more an explanation than a kata. You will how to set up Gulp to ease development with automated tasks.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp Angular2”

    Read eBook: https://www.ng-book.com/2/


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.




    We already have an Angular2 project with TypeScript compilation with Gulp. Feel free to skip this kata if you’re not interested in how everything is set up.

    Adding JavaScript libraries

    We added the following libraries to the package.json file. These are recommended by Google but some can be swapped out for something you prefer. IE: SystemJS is a module loader. Other module loaders like WebPack are preferred by some and can be used instead.

        "angular2": "2.0.0-beta.0",
        "systemjs": "0.19.6",
        "es6-promise": "^3.0.2",
        "es6-shim": "^0.33.3",
        "reflect-metadata": "0.1.2",
        "rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.0",
        "zone.js": "0.5.10"

    After adding these our package.json will look like this. It’s getting lengthy but does a lot for us. A few of these libraries might go away if we find we never use them.

      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "ASP.NET",
      "private": true,
      "devDependencies": {
        "angular2": "2.0.0-beta.0",
        "es6-promise": "^3.0.2",
        "es6-shim": "^0.33.3",
        "gulp": "^3.9.0",
        "gulp-clean": "^0.3.1",
        "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.1",
        "gulp-minify-html": "^1.0.5",
        "gulp-newer": "^1.1.0",
        "gulp-plumber": "^1.0.1",
        "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
        "gulp-sourcemaps": "^1.6.0",
        "gulp-tsd": "0.0.4",
        "gulp-tslint": "^4.3.0",
        "gulp-tslint-stylish": "^1.1.1",
        "gulp-typescript": "^2.10.0",
        "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.1",
        "gulp-watch": "^4.3.5",
        "merge": "^1.2.0",
        "reflect-metadata": "0.1.2",
        "reporters": "0.0.4",
        "run-sequence": "^1.1.5",
        "rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.0",
        "systemjs": "0.19.6",
        "zone.js": "0.5.10"

    Now that our libraries are installed we need to give access to the application at run time. To accomplish this, we will copy the libraries to the wwwroot folder with Gulp.

    We added the following to our Gulp file so the libraries can be copied to wwwroot.

    // for angular2
     , 'node_modules/**//es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js'
     , 'node_modules/**//angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.min.js'
     , 'node_modules/**//systemjs/dist/system.src.js'
     , 'node_modules/**//rxjs/bundles/rx.min.js'
     , 'node_modules/**//angular2/bundles/angular2.min.js'

    The lib task in the gulpfile.json file should look like this:

    gulp.task('libs', function () {
        return gulp.src(['bower_components/**//normalize-css/normalize.css'
                        , 'bower_components/**//font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css'
                        , 'bower_components/**/font-awesome/fonts/*.*'
                        , 'bower_components/**//jquery/dist/jquery.min.js'
                        , 'bower_components/**//lodash/lodash.min.js'
                        // for angular2
                        , 'node_modules/**//es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js'
                        , 'node_modules/**//angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.min.js'
                        , 'node_modules/**//systemjs/dist/system.src.js'
                        , 'node_modules/**//rxjs/bundles/rx.min.js'
                        , 'node_modules/**//angular2/bundles/angular2.min.js'
              errorHandler: onError

    We added references to the new libraries in the index.html file.

    <script src="../lib/es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../lib/angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../lib/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
    <script src="../lib/rxjs/bundles/rx.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../lib/angular2/bundles/angular2.min.js"></script>

    Install the TSD for Angular2.

    Type definitions found here.

    The index.html file

    Don’t be concerned about what you don’t understand at this point.
    If you open the app.ts file, you’ll find the following.

    import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/platform/browser';
    import { Component } from 'angular2/core';
        selector: 'hello-world',
        template: `
            Hello World
    class HelloWorld { }

    We’ve added our JavaScript libraries but one important file we did not add was our app.js file. With Angular2 there is no longer the concept of ng-app. Now we tell Angular what module to use as the applications entry point. We do this in the html file.

            packages: {
                app: {
                    format: 'register',
                    defaultExtension: 'js'
              .then(null, console.error.bind(console));

    We created a html component called hello-world and added it to the html page.


    We’ve set everything up but you might not have noticed there is not an actual app.js file. We need to have tooling to transpile the TypeScript file down to JavaScript. We use Gulp to create a development/build pipeline that does this and much more.

    To support the TypeScript transpilation we have a tsconfig.json file.

    To support the automatic update of the Definitely Typed system we created a gulp_tsd.json file. The gulpfile.js file has a task that uses this configuration file. This task, “tsd”, is bound to “Project Open” in Visual Studio.

      "command": "reinstall",
      "latest": true,
      "config": "./tsd.json",
      "opts": {

    NOTE: This provides Visual Studio what it needs to provide intellisense.

    Examples of commands to retrieve Definitely Typed definitions.

    tsd query angular2 --action install –save
    tsd query systemjs --action install --save


    Let’s walk through the Gulp implementation.

    Visual Studio 2015, by default, serves pages out of the wwwroot folder. This is where our files need to end up. You can consider this the destination folder.

    Our source code will be in the src folder.

    The Gulp file performs the following tasks and in this order.

    - clean-wwwroot – Clean out the wwwroot folder. This gives us a clean slate.
    - copy-to-wwwroot – All the code from the src folder is copied to the wwwroot folder.
    - libs – copies all library files, we need at run-time, to the libs folder in wwwroot.
    - minifyhtml – optimizes any html file in wwwroot folder.
    - tscompile – transpiles all TypeScript files down to JavaScript and provides a map allowing us to use TypeScript for debugging in the browser.
    - tslint – provides TypeScript guidance.
    - watch – provides a group of file watchers. When changes occur the files are re-optimized and put in wwwroot.
    - reload – provides live reload capabilities.

    NOTE: To get live reload working you must install the Chrome addin for
    livereload. This feature only works in Chrome.

    When source files are changed they are copied to the wwwroot folder and optimized then the browser is refreshed without you doing anything more than saving the file. All of this happens quickly.

    You should have a pretty good understanding of how this solution works. It’s a good starting point for any project so feel free to copy/paste the solution and start building your own applications.

    Smiley face

    026 Gulp - running grunt tasks


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    026 Gulp - running grunt tasks


    10 minutes


    Execute a Grunt task with Gulp.

    For more information

    Execute a Grunt task with Gulp.

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    On occasion you might need to combine JSON files.

    In this case we are combining multiple JSON files that represent menu items. A suitable gulp plugin is not available but there is a Grunt task that does what we need.

    In this task you will perform a JSON merge on all JSON files in the config folder with grunt-merge-json.


    Installed the require NPM packages.

    npm install grunt-merge-json --save-dev
    npm install gulp-grunt --save-dev

    Install the Grunt command line interface.

    npm install -g grunt-cli

    Create a gruntfile.js, in the root, to support the Grunt task.

    module.exports = function (grunt) {
            distFolder: 'wwwroot/config',
            pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
            "merge-json": {
                menu: {
                    src: ['src/config/*.json.txt'],
                    dest: 'wwwroot/config/menu.json',
        // Load modules, register tasks

    To tie everything together add this task to the Gulp file.

    // -------------------------------------------------
    // Grunt configuration
    require('gulp-grunt')(gulp, {
        // These are the default options but included here for readability.
        base: null,
        prefix: 'grunt-',
        verbose: false
    // -------------------------------------------------

    Update the default task.

    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot', 'grunt-merge-json:menu');

    After running the default task you should have a new JSON menu file that looks like this.

        "0": {
            "name": "Applications",
            "id": "catApps",
            "isOpen": "true",
            "icon": " fa-power-off ",
            "session": "coreSession",
            "role": "MashupUser",
            "groups": [
                    "name": "app1",
                    "id": "menuItemApp1",
                    "desc": "Application 1, page 1.",
                    "url": "/app1/page1",
                    "icon": " fa-bar-chart ",
                    "session": "coreSession",
                    "role": "MashupUser"
                    "name": "app2",
                    "id": "menuItemApp2",
                    "desc": "Application 2, page 3.",
                    "url": "/app2/page3",
                    "icon": " fa-laptop ",
                    "session": "coreSession",
                    "role": "MashupUser"
        "1": {
            "name": "Utilities",
            "id": "catUtilities",
            "isOpen": "false",
            "icon": " fa-cogs ",
            "session": "coreSession",
            "role": "MashupUser",
            "groups": []
        "2": {
            "name": "Administrative",
            "id": "catAdmin",
            "isOpen": "false",
            "icon": " fa-users",
            "session": "coreSession",
            "role": "MashupUser",
            "groups": []
        "3": {
            "name": "Examples",
            "id": "catExamples",
            "isOpen": "false",
            "icon": " fa-file-code-o ",
            "session": "coreSession",
            "role": "MashupUser",
            "groups": []


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    025 Gulp - concat


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    025 Gulp - concat


    5 minutes


    In this kata we will combine multiple files into one.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp concat minify javascript”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Bundle all the JavaScript files, in src, and output them into a single file named all.js. Then minify the all.js file and output all.min.js.


    Install the NPM modules needed.

    npm install gulp-concat --save-dev
    npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev

    Add the references to the gulp file.

    , concat = require('gulp-concat')
    , uglify = require('gulp-uglify')

    Create a task to concatenate, minify, and map all JavaScript files in the src/js folder.

    gulp.task('concatJS', function () {
        return gulp.src('src/js/**/*')
                 extname: '.min.js'
    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot', 'concatJS');

    Just seems like a good place to insert an image.


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    024 Gulp - replace & passing params


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    024 Gulp - replace & passing params


    15 minutes


    In this kata we will rename constant values based on configuration files and parameters passed in.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp ”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Most applications are expected to function in multiple environments. When coding you expect the application to function in the local environment. When you deploy to the test environment you expect it to function there and the same for production.

    In this kata we will rename constant values based on configuration files and parameters passed in.

    You have constant values in src/js/comstants.js. Change the values for @@myFirstApi and @@mySecondApi. Create three sets of config files. One for dev, stage and prod. You’re going to use the parameter --env and follow that with the environment you intend your build to be fore.

    Example you will be able to use these gulp commands.

    gulp --env-dev


    gulp --env-prod


    Install the needed NPM packages.

    npm install gulp-replace-task --save-dev
    npm install yargs --save-dev

    gulp-replace-task: Enables us to find and replace variables identified with “@@”.

    yargs: Enables the use of command line parameters.

    fs: Enables the ability to load local files.

    Add references to the new modules to the gulpfile.

    , replace               = require('gulp-replace-task')
    , args                  = require('yargs').argv
    , fs                    = require('fs')

    Create three config files in the src/config folder, for each environment.


    Create this file with the following content.

        "myFirstApi":  "http://devFirstApi",
        "mySecondApi":  "http://devSecondApi"


    Create this file with the following content.

        "myFirstApi":  "http://stageFirstApi",
        "mySecondApi":  "http://stageSecondApi"


    Create this file with the following content.

        "myFirstApi":  "http://prodFirstApi",
        "mySecondApi":  "http://prodSecondApi"

    Create the setEnv task and update the default task to run it after src is copied.

    gulp.task('setEnv', function () {
        // Get the environment from the command line
        var env = args.env || 'dev';
        // Read the settings from the right file
        var filename = 'env.config.' + env + '.json';
        var settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('src/config/' + filename, 'utf8'));
        // Replace each placeholder with the correct value for the variable.  
              patterns: [
                    match: 'myFirstApi',
                    replacement: settings.myFirstApi
                    match: 'mySecondApi',
                    replacement: settings.mySecondApi
    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot', 'setEnv');

    Executing the new task

    The default parameter is dev so if you pass no parameters then the env.config.dev.json file is used.

    Here is the command-line syntax for updating the files with production values.

    gulp --env prod

    I’m not sure how to execute this in Visual Studio so for now you need to do this from the command line in the root folder of the solution. Visual Studio will likely develop the ability to pass parameters.




    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    021 Gulp - watch


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    021 Gulp - watch


    10 minutes


    In this kata you will configure watch tasks.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp watch”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Executing the default task, for every change, would consume more CPU and time than is required during development where files are changed one at a time. For dealing with individual files as they change, we can use the Watch plugin.

    Configure watch tasks to do this following:

    - Copy any file changes under the src folder to wwwroot.
    - Transpile and reload any *.ts files that change under wwwroot.
    - Lint any *.ts file that change under wwwroot.
    - Optimize any *.html files that change under wwwroot.
    - After a file under wwwroot is processed reload the browser.

    NOTE: Livereload only works with Chrome.exe via the LiveReload plugin.



    From the command-line install

    npm install gulp-watch --save-dev

    Add the module to the Gulp file

    , watch = require('gulp-watch')

    Create the watch tasks

    gulp.task('watch', function () {
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watching JS files
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Copy all files except *.js files.
        gulp.watch(['src/**/*'], function () { runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot'); });
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watching TypeScript files
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*', '!wwwroot/css/**/*.*'], function () { runSequence('tscompile', 'reload'); });
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watch - Execute linters
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*', '!wwwroot/css/**/*.*'], function () { runSequence('tslint'); });
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Watching HTML files
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        gulp.watch(['wwwroot/**/*.html', '!wwwroot/**/*.min.html', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*'], function () { runSequence('minifyhtml', 'reload'); });


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    020 Gulp - tsd


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    020 Gulp - tsd


    10 minutes


    Setting up TSD (TypeScript Definitions)

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “TypeScript tsd”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Install TSD, a kind of package manager for TypeScript Definitions.

    npm install tsd -g

    Now TSD is installed and you can run commands with it.

        $ tsd
        $ tsd -h
        $ tsd --help
        $ tsd –version

    Create TSD files

        npm init

    NOTE: This creates the tsd.json and typings/tsd.d.ts files.

    Get TSD definitions for Angularjs and its dependencies.

    tsd install angular --resolve --overwrite --save

    To reinstall TSD definitions

    tsd reinstall --save –overwrite

    To update with the latest definitions

    tsd update --save –overwrite

    Open any *.ts file and type “angular” and intellisense is activated.

    Smiley face

    Let’s take this to the next level. At this point we have type definitions and that is great but now we need to manually update the definitions when changes are published and we are forced to check the Typings folder into source control. The problem with this is type script definitions are now source code.

    Gulp can handle this for us. We will configure a gulp task to retrieve the latest type definitions and reinstall them when the project loads.

    Create a new file at the root of the project named “gulp_tsd.json”. Add the following configuration to the new file.

            "command": "reinstall", 
            "latest": true,         
            "config": "./tsd.json", 
            "opts": {

    Add a task to the gulp file. First add a reference to the gulp-tsd plugin.

        , tsd = require('gulp-tsd');

    Then add this task.

    gulp.task('tsd', function () {
        return gulp.src('./gulp_tsd.json').pipe(tsd());

    In the Task Runner Explorer find the tsd task. Right click on the tsd task and select “Bindings” then “Project Open”. This will cause the tsd task to reinstall the type script definitions whenever a project is opened.


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    019 Gulp - tslint


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    019 Gulp - tslint


    5 minutes


    Add a linter to run over our TypeScript code.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp typescript lint”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    Add a linter to run over our TypeScript code.


    Add the required plugins.

    npm install gulp-tslint --save-dev

    Add references

    , tslint = require('gulp-tslint')
    Add the task
    gulp.task('tslint', function () {
        return gulp.src(['./wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*'])
            .pipe(tslint.report('verbose', {
                emitError: true,
                sort: true,
                bell: true

    Add the new task to the default task.

    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('clean-wwwroot', 'copy-to-wwwroot', 'tscompile', 'tslint');

    NOTE: This needs a good reporter that writes to a HTML file similar to jshint.


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    017 Gulp - transpile sass & autoprefix


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    017 Gulp - transpile sass & autoprefix


    10 minutes


    In this Kata we have a folder named “sass” under src. We will transpile sass into css.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp ”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    In this kata, transpile all SASS files down to css, compress, autoprefix, and map them.


    First we need to install the needed plugins.

    npm install gulp-sass --save-dev

    NodeJS stopped supporting promises after 0.1 (fact check this)
    For gulp-autoprevix to work we need to install a Promise polyfill.

    npm install gulp-autoprevix --save-dev

    Then add this line of code after the reference section.


    After you’ve added your task the gulp file should look something like this.

    var gulp = require('gulp')
        , runSequence = require('run-sequence')
        , rename = require('gulp-rename')
        , sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
        , sass = require('gulp-sass')
        , autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
    gulp.task('copy-to-wwwroot', function () {
        return gulp.src(['src/**/*'])
    gulp.task('sass-transpile', function () {
        return gulp.src(['wwwroot/**/*.scss'], { base: 'wwwroot/./' })
         .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
         .pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }))
              browsers: ['last 2 versions'],
              cascade: false
    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot', 'sass-transpile');


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    018 Gulp - transpile typescript


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    018 Gulp - transpile typescript


    5 minutes


    Transpile typescript to JavaScript and optimize and map the files.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp typescript”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    We’ve added a new folder named “ts” with TypeScript files. Transpile these *.ts files to JavaScript, optimize them, and map them.


    Install the required plugins.

    npm install gulp-typescript --save-dev
    npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev

    Update references

        , ts = require('gulp-typescript')
        , uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

    Add the new task named tscompile

    gulp.task('tscompile', function () {
        return gulp.src(['./wwwroot/**/*.ts', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*.*'])
            target: 'ES5',
            declarationFiles: false,
            noExternalResolve: true
        .pipe(rename({ extname: '.js' }))

    Wire the new tscompile task into the default task.

    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('clean-wwwroot', 'copy-to-wwwroot', 'tscompile');

    Run the default task


    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

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    016 Gulp - optimizing css


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    016 Gulp - optimizing css


    5 minutes


    In this kata we will optimize css files.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp optimize css”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    After copying all src files to wwwroot, optimize the css.


    Install the npm plugins we need. The gulp, gulp-rename, run-sequence, and gulp-sourcemaps have already been installed.

    npm install gulp-minify-css --save-dev

    References will now look like this

    var gulp = require('gulp')
        , runSequence = require('run-sequence')
        , rename = require('gulp-rename')
        , sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
        , minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css');

    Create the new minifyhtml task and add it to the default task.

    gulp.task('minifycss', function () {
        return gulp.src(['wwwroot/**/*.css', '!wwwroot/**/*.min.css'], { base: 'wwwroot/./' })
             extname: '.min.css'

    Check out your newly optimized html files.




    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face

    015 Gulp - optimizing html


    Gulp code kata list

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    015 Gulp - optimizing html


    5 minutes


    In this kata we will optimize html files.

    For more information

    BING/GOOGLE: “Gulp optimize html”

    Gulp - Quick guide to getting up and running today

    Smiley face


    Get tutorial folder or the entire katas-Gulp repo.
    Open the [before/*.sln] file and execute the kata.
    Feel free to execute this kata multiple times because repetition creates motor memory.



    After copying all src files to wwwroot, optimize the html.


    Install the npm plugins we need. The gulp, gulp-rename, run-sequence, and gulp-sourcemaps have already been installed.

    npm install gulp-minify-html --save-dev

    References will now look like this

    var gulp = require('gulp')
        , runSequence = require('run-sequence')
        , rename = require('gulp-rename')
        , sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
        , minifyhtml = require('gulp-minify-html');

    Create the new minifyhtml task and add it to the default task.

    gulp.task('minifyhtml', function () {
        return gulp.src(['wwwroot/**/*.html', '!/**/*.min.html', '!wwwroot/lib/**/*'], { base: 'wwwroot/./' })
             extname: '.min.html'
    gulp.task('default', function () {
        runSequence('copy-to-wwwroot', 'minifyhtml');

    Check out your newly optimized html files.




    Take a few minutes and imagine more examples.

    Smiley face